Countries<Spain<Madrid<Madrid< Hayedos primarios y maduros de los Cárpatos y otras regiones de Europa

Hayedos primarios y maduros de los Cárpatos y otras regiones de Europa(Madrid)

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This serial asset extends over a vast territory spread over twelve European countries. Beech forests are indispensable for understanding the history and evolution of the genus Fagus, which, given its wide distribution in the northern hemisphere and its ecological importance, is of global significance. These complex, undisturbed, temperate-zone forests show the most complete ecological processes of European pure and mixed beech specimens in a great diversity of environmental conditions, across all important beech forest regions of Europe. They include all altitudinal zones from the coast to the mountain forest line and, in addition, include the best remaining examples of the outer limits of the European beech forest range.

The beech forest is one of the most important elements of temperate forests and represents an exceptional example of recolonisation and ecosystem development since the last ice age. The continuous northward and westward expansion of beech forests from their original glacial refugia in eastern and southern Europe can be traced along natural corridors and landmarks across the continent.

More recent changes in the distribution pattern of this species are related to the direct influence of human action and the more complex effects of climate change. Both the historical distribution pattern and this series represent natural evolutionary strategies for adapting to and surviving environmental change. The pre-eminence of beech forests over large areas of Europe is a living testimony to the genetic adaptability of the trees.

The Spanish components, representative of southern beech forests in the European context, are distributed in Madrid (Montejo de la Sierra), Castilla-La Mancha (Tejera Negra), Castilla y León (Cuesta Vieja and Canal de Asotín in Picos de Europa) and Navarra (Lizardoia and Aztaparreta).

Image of Hayedos primarios y maduros de los Cárpatos y otras regiones de Europa