Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Ademuz< Castillo

Castillo (Ademuz)

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Ademuz was conquered by Pedro II of Aragon in 1210, although it returned to Muslim rule shortly afterwards. It was finally reconquered by James I in 1259, who reserved it for the Crown.
From the medieval period, ceramic fragments have been found on the eastern slope, with geometric decoration painted in red, cuerda seca, glazed and a fragment of a blue-painted bowl. Several fragments of undecorated handmade pottery and a blackish stone axe were also found.
In the 17th century the town was the victim of a strong earthquake that brought down the church and forty other houses. The walls and towers of the castle, which had been sumptuously built on the slope of the hill, were destroyed, according to Bishop Gavaldá, who visited El Rincón after the earthquake: "quae in lato montis fastigio magnaficentius erant constructa, monte illo in profundam vallem dilapso in cladis suae funestissima strage".
Cavanilles in his Observations on the Natural History, Geography, Agriculture, Population and Fruits of the Kingdom of Valencia of 1797 tells of his ascent to the castle and the delightful view that can be seen from there, but he did not indicate the state of the castle: "Almost all (the houses) enjoy the delightful view that the Turia and immediate fields present, but the most advantageous place to enjoy it is the castle, situated at the top of the hill. I went up to it and when I admired the beauty of that picturesque enclosure...".

Image of Castillo