Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Aldaya< Casa de la Llotgeta

Casa de la Llotgeta(Aldaya)

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The 16th century Llotgeta house, once owned by the Counts of Nules. It houses an ethnological and artistic exhibition of the fans made in the town.
The Casa de la Llotgeta is divided into three floors, with an outdoor patio. The name "Llotgeta" is the Valencianisation of the Italian term loggia, an architectural element used above all in Italian architecture in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is a gallery or portico supported by columns and arches that are completely open, at least on one of its sides. In the case of the Casa de la Llotgeta in Aldaia, the loggia has some specific peculiarities. It has no columns but houses a set of 12 beautiful round arches built with tiles. These arches, in the past, were completely open to the open air, but today they are protected with glass due to the restoration carried out by the Town Hall.

Image of Casa de la Llotgeta