Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Antella< Casa de las Compuertas

Casa de las Compuertas(Antella)

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The house is located next to the weir, over a stone bridge with three arches and two railings on either side. Inside there are three floodgates, two of which belong to the irrigation community and are those of the old irrigation system, and the other, a little larger, is the property of the Duke of Hijar, each of which corresponds to an arch of the aforementioned bridge. They are large, fat boards, 9 spans high, which, going up and channelled by means of conveniently placed spirals, serve as a dam or counter weir to stop and make the river water recede when it is to be removed from the irrigation channel and to regulate the amount that is to be let in. In the upper part of the house there is a kind of gallery or lookout point where a flag is placed on a high pole that serves as a signal to the farm workers to start and stop work. Above an entrance door on a black marble tombstone the following inscription reads: "Year 1835, third of the Reign of Isabel II and being "Baile General" Mr. Antonio González Alborç, the solid work of the dam of the flow of the Community of Irrigators of the Real Acequia de Alzira was made".

It has been completely rebuilt respecting as far as possible its structure prior to the "riuà" (flood) of 1982. The Casa de la Comunidad or Casa de Regantes was swept away to its foundations by the strong current of the river and has not been rebuilt, perhaps because it had lost the function for which it had been built.

Image of Casa de las Compuertas