Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Ayora< Castillo de Ayora

Castillo de Ayora(Ayora)

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The complex consisted of a four-story palace-residence, two fortified squares and a large keep, as well as other outbuildings for soldiers and servants, cisterns and gardens. The complex was surrounded by nearly a thousand meters of walls and defensive towers.

The castle was ruined by the troops of Philip V in the War of the Spanish Succession, but its profile and large dimensions are still perceptible. Among its remains are the square keep, the false door, built by the Marquise of Zenete in the sixteenth century, on which was her coat of arms, as well as walls, ramparts, cubes, moats and cisterns.

Of Muslim origin, it was completely rebuilt in the 13th century after the reconquest of the Ayora Valley by Aragonese troops between 1239 and 1243. With the signing of the Treaty of Almizra in 1244 between the Crown of Castile and the Crown of Aragon, Ayora was taken over by the Castilians. By the Treaty of Campillo signed in 1281 between Alfonso X the Wise of Castile and Pedro III the Great of Aragon, Ayora passed back into Aragonese hands, as war compensation.

By the agreement of Elche in 1305, Ayora was incorporated into the Kingdom of Valencia by decision of the King of Aragon, James II the Just.

With the decree of expulsion of the Moors in 1609, the valley was practically depopulated, after they had rebelled against the royal power.

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Ayora was a place of lordship, being the property of the Admiral of Aragon Bernardo de Sarriá. In 1492 it was bought by Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y Mendoza (son of Cardinal Mendoza), first Marquis of Zenete, who died in 1523. His daughter Mencía de Mendoza, Marquise of Zenete, (Jadraque, 1508 - Valencia, 1554) inherited the manor, but when she died without descendants it passed to her sister María, married to Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Duke of Infantado, remaining attached to his domains until 1837, when the manorial regimes were abolished.

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the castle underwent major reforms to condition it as a palace, including the construction of the so-called False Gate, ordered by Doña Mencía de Mendoza.

The castle is practically in ruins since 1707 when the troops of Philip V under the command of the Count of Pinto stormed, sacked and burned the town and the castle, which was abandoned. In 1812 the French occupied the valley and destroyed what little remained of the castle.

With an elongated ground plan, it adapts to the terrain on which it is built. In its center and dominating the landscape rises the tower of homage, of quadrangular plant. Made of masonry and ashlar masonry, there are remains of mud walls from a previous Muslim construction.

It has two squares, a larger one known as the Plaza de Armas with a geometric pebble pavement and a smaller one to the south, considered the courtyard of the old palace-fortress of the Marquesa de Zenete.

The castle was surrounded by a line of walls approximately six meters high and 900 meters long. Among the ruins we can find the remains of several quadrangular towers and a semicircular one; as well as ancient outbuildings.

Image of Castillo de Ayora