Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Benisuera< Castillo de Benisuera
It is a fortified castle-palace of rural type, whose oldest element seems to be the west tower, which seems to be the work of the thirteenth century, probably built on a previous Muslim tower exempt.
The other tower and the main building, of alcazar type and almost square plan, are the work of the XVI century, with the sober appearance of a fortress. Later, in the 17th century, the towers were removed and their tops were modified, especially on the right side. In its time of splendor it must have been magnificent. It occupies an area of 5,000 m2. It consists of a first floor, a main floor and an upper floor with the traditional Aragonese loggia.
The entire first body is made of ashlars and the rest of brick and masonry. It is covered with Arab tiles. The main access is to the square, but there is another later one, to the orchard, being this one of considerable dimensions, with corrals and warehouses, but everything is destroyed and the vegetation is completely wild. Of note are the magnificent wrought iron railings and balconies.
It is not known who built it, although it was linked to the Bellvís family, lords of Bélgida until the 19th century. It later belonged to the Viscounts of San Germán, the current owners.
Se trata de un castillo-palacio fortificado de tipo rural, cuyo elemento más antiguo parece ser la torre de poniente, que parece obra del siglo XIII, construída probablemente sobre una torre anterior musulmana exenta.
La otra torre y el edificio principal, de tipo alcázar y planta casi cuadrada, son obra del XVI, con sobrio aspecto de fortaleza. Posteriormente, en el XVII, las torres fueron desmochadas y modificado su remate, sobre todo en la parte derecha. En su época de esplendor debió ser magnífico. Ocupa una superficie de 5.000 m2. Consta de planta baja, piso principal y planta alta con la tradicional logia aragonesa.
Todo el primer cuerpo es de sillares y el resto de ladrillo y mampostería. Se cubre con tejas árabes. El acceso principal recae a la plaza, pero hay otro posterior, al huerto, siendo éste de considerables dimensiones, con corrales y almacenes, pero todo está destrozado y la vegetación es completamente silvestre. Son de destacar las magníficas rejas y balcones de hierro forjado.
Se desconoce quién lo edificó, aunque estuvo vinculado a la familia Bellvís, señores de Bélgida hasta el siglo XIX. Posteriormente perteneció a los vizcondes de San Germán, actuales propietarios.