Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Carcaixent< Itinerario Didáctico Basses Roges

Itinerario Didáctico Basses Roges(Carcaixent)

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The natural heritage that we present here is an ancient path or cattle track that almost always runs along the Barranc de Basses Roges. This path is an old cattle track that shepherds used to use in the past to carry their flocks through our mountains. This path connects the Font de la Parra area (La Ribera Alta) with the Vall de la Valldigna. The path is difficult to walk in many sections because it runs along the ravines that end in the Font de la Parra Natural Park. The path ends just where the Cases d'Alberola, now destroyed, used to be and connects with the Pinar dels Frares forest track that goes up to the Molló de Miramar (from where we can enjoy a fantastic view of the Mediterranean Sea). On this path we can observe how the pyrophilous species have taken advantage of the catastrophe of the 2016 fire and have colonised the land forming an extensive thicket with some encrustations of pines (Pinus halepensis Miller). Along the route we can find margallons (Chamaerops humillis L.), durillos (Viburnum tinus L.), species of Cistus and lentiscos (Pistacia lentiscus L). At the beginning of the path we can even find some protected species of our land such as the pebrella (Thymus piperella L.). Another incentive that will encourage visitors to follow the trail is that in the first few metres we can see labels that indicate the common and scientific names of the plant species and there is also a QR code that takes those who enjoy the route to a blog where we can find more information about the plant. This initiative is part of a project that will be carried out by the 4th ESO biology students of the Ave Maria School in collaboration with the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the University of Valencia. The natural heritage that we present to you is one of the many trails that can be found in the town of Carcaixent. As a professional teacher and after more than 20 years training young people in my town, I feel obliged to make our citizens aware of the main paths or trails where they can enjoy nature. I would also like to point out that in our town there are many people who have done a lot to ensure that the population does not live in isolation from our natural heritage. We have a moral obligation to make them know and enjoy our mountains. From here I would like to express my enormous gratitude to all those who fight for the conservation, knowledge and dissemination of all the paths present in our territory.

Image of Itinerario Didáctico Basses Roges