Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Gandia< Casa de Cultura Marqués de González de Quirós

Casa de Cultura Marqués de González de Quirós(Gandia)

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Better known among the citizens as Casa de la Marquesa, it was built at the end of the 19th century by the Vallier Lapeyre family, one of the richest bourgeois families in Gandia.
The building was designed with a defensive-palace structure and consists of a ground floor, a main floor and a second floor. The interior marble staircase and the fantastic, richly ornamented banister are particularly noteworthy. It is also worth mentioning its magnificent romantic garden with a wide variety of autochthonous and foreign species that delight visitors. It also offers a cafeteria service.
It has a regular programme throughout the year, with exhibitions, conferences and concerts.
Welcoming you, in the garden of the Casa de la Cultura, we find the Tío de la Porra, a much loved character in Gandia, especially by children, as he is in charge of announcing the arrival of the "Fira i Festes".

Image of Casa de Cultura Marqués de González de Quirós