Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Gandia< Murallas de Gandia

Murallas de Gandia(Gandia)

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Most of the fortified walls that surrounded the city were destroyed in the 19th century, many of them were used as walls in the construction of new buildings of the time. Nowadays we can find remains of towers and elements of the wall hidden among some of the houses in the historic centre.

Passing the bridge of the Avenida de Alicante or Pont Nou d´Oliva, the old walled enclosure that protected the city of Gandia rises next to the road. The remains that still stand, as a living testimony of the city´s history, surrounded the primitive nucleus, known as the Vila, at the beginning of the 14th century.
It continued alongside the walls that protected the orchard, the Gothic church and the cloister of the convent of Santa Clara, still in use today. A ramp allows you to approach the wall to see a round tower and a closed gateway where the Porta de la Mar, one of the oldest portals in the town, was once located.

Continuing ahead, you will see the walls that enclosed the old Hospital of San Marcos, next to the round tower, a medieval institution for the poor and pilgrims that maintained its activity for more than 600 years, from the 14th century until 1973. It currently houses the MAGa, Archaeological Museum of Gandia.
The walled section ends leaving room for the walls of the old convent and current Carmelite school, at this point the ground becomes a walkway that allows you to continue your walk under the shade of the large trees in the garden of the Ducal Palace where the path allows access to the city centre by a gentle ramp.

Image of Murallas de Gandia