Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Gandia< Museo Arquelógico de Gandia. MAGa
Hospital the Sant Marc was an institution for the poor and travellers. It maintained its activity for over 600 years, from the XIV century through to 1973. The founding of this institution is attributed to the Duke Alfons el Vell. The" Sala de Hombres" is of note. The first Valenciano gothic building, it has pointed arches and the ribbed arches in the "Sala de Mujeres" are architecutual jewels, and are a must visit.
At present, the Hospital Sant Marc, houses the Archaelogical Museum of Gandia or MAG@, which has a permenant exposition that explains and shows the great archaeological importance of La Safor region, covering the entire period of prehistory in a very didactic way. In addition, the MAG@ Museum, also hosts (since March 28, 2015), the Santa Clara Museum, with some of the important art collection that the Franciscan nuns have preserved over the centuries.
El Museo Arqueológico de Gandia - MAGa está ubicado en el antiguo Hospital de Sant Marc, un edificio emblemático fundado en el siglo XIV por el primer Duque de Gandia, Alfons el Vell.
La colección permanente se centra, en la prehistoria de la comarca de la Safor, desde las sociedades cazadoras recolectoras del Paleolítico hasta las sociedades agricultoras y ganaderas del Neolítico. Alberga piezas de algunos de los principales yacimientos arqueológicos de Europa, como la Cova del Bolomor (Tavernes de la Valldigna), la Cova del Parpalló o la Cova de les Meravelles (Gandia). La importancia de estos y de otros yacimientos reflejan la riqueza del patrimonio arqueológico de la comarca de la Safor.