Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Marines< Castillo del Real

Castillo del Real(Marines)

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The Castillo del Real, also known as the castle of Marna and Marinas (the first name from the Roman period and the next from the time of the Arab conquest), is located in the municipality of Marines, Valencia, at the top of the peak of Real.

It was built in the 10th century and is of Moorish origin (a Muslim construction: battlements without arrow slits, cisterns with red-painted interior walls, masonry made using the rammed earth method, zigzag lines in the walls, etc.). ) of a medium-sized mountain type with three non-concentric stepped enclosures and a dispersed irregular ground plan and is usually identified with the one that was fortified by El Cid in 1084 and provoked the battle of Morella against the king of the taifa of Lérida, Al-Mundir al-Hayib, and the king of Aragon, Sancho Ramírez. It was donated by Alfonso II of Aragon to the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem in the person of Friar Armengol d'Aspa. In 1264 it was exchanged for the Royal Castle of Villafamés. In 1287, due to its dilapidated state, it was incorporated, together with the towns of Olocau, into the territorial domains of Morella. It was of great importance in the struggles between Count Urgel and Fernando de Antequera, after the death of King Martin the Humane.

Image of Castillo del Real