Countries<Spain<Comunidad Valenciana<Monóvar< Fábrica de Jabón de D. Luis Mahuenda García

Fábrica de Jabón de D. Luis Mahuenda García(Monóvar)

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The main facade of the building has an original design, combining the use of stone on the ground floor and first floor, with a plaster on which the same geometric motif is drawn that can be seen on the second and third floors.
On the façade we can still read the name of the founder of the company and the activity carried out there:
On the first floor, the larger space separating the balconies just above the main entrance to the factory is used to display a picture identifying the company's activity, as well as one of its brands, which reads as follows: EL CHICO GLYCERINE AND SOAP FACTORY.
The top of the building is made up of five rectangular windows that are arranged just above the balconies and protected by an eave that completes the aesthetics of the facade.
The main entrance to the interior of the factory leads through a covered space to a central courtyard, which is surrounded by various rooms. Soap factories needed to have several areas to carry out all the processes. They required large spaces for storing the different raw materials used, such as: coconut oil drums, barrels of fat, barrels of soap, areas for placing the boilers, transporting wagons, etc. The main building was well lit by the light of the sun, and was used to store the soap.
The main hall was well lit by large openings, covered with glass, overlooking the inner courtyard.
The other hall, which runs parallel to the main hall, is now in a rather dilapidated state.

The building is made up of a dwelling and the later constructed warehouses, where the entire production process of the company was carried out. Originally, the house was used as an inn for travellers.
In 1921-1922, Antonio Belando and Luis Marhuenda were registered as soap manufacturers. These two partners were therefore the founders of the company.
Both partners would found the Escudo brand and when Mr. Luis Mahuenda became independent in 1924 he founded the company. Luis Mahuenda in 1924 founded other brands such as El Chico, La Luna, Muñoz, Verde and Tubo.
Luis was killed in the Civil War in 1936. At the beginning of 1938, Dª Antonia García Llorente, Luis Mahuenda's widow, appeared as the company's successor.
The company's activity continued until Antonia García Llorente's tax licence was withdrawn in December 1972.

Image of Fábrica de Jabón de D. Luis Mahuenda García